Hashtags run the world of Twitter, and the right business hashtags can help you develop and grow as a biz owner.
Yes. Hashtags don’t just help you reach new users and readers.
And while they help you track Twitter conversations about your brand, hashtags can also let you in on the latest trends in your industry or the best practices for different areas of a business-building.
In this brief post, we will look at four Twitter hashtags that can “up” your business savvy – whether you’re looking to sharpen your marketing chops, close more sales, or run a well-oiled team.
We’ve also included examples of the goodies and brain food you’ll find within these hashtags to whet your appetite.
Dig in!
#Marketing: Learn To Put Your Brand In Front Of The Right People
You’re a small business owner and you’ve got your hands full. Between orders to fulfill, questions to answer, employees to manage, and more, marketing your products and services is tough to squeeze into your schedule.
Matter of fact, 1 out of 10 SMBs don’t invest or engage in any kind of marketing! And that’s just bad for business. You can’t expect people to come to you if they don’t even know you.
Follow #marketing and discover bold tactics and tried-and-tested techniques to put your brand in front of your target audience.
See how a global fast food restaurant company, Burger King, generated more than a million views in YouTube and tons of press coverage in a day. All the while addressing a worldwide issue that is the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality.
Guess how many people wanted a Whopper after seeing the video?
BURGERKING LIMITED is just having too much fun with its brand. A great compelling, contemporary tactic to engage and make it memorable at the same time. Well done. #marketing #advertising https://t.co/IzHTCYeeAJ
— Mark Stephen Ware (@MarkStephenWare) January 25, 2018
Want to give your social media marketing efforts an edge?
Dig into the post below where Buffer gives us a rundown of the 20 best tools for all-things social media – from easy-to-use design tools and infographics makers, drag-and-drop video editors, to influencer networking platforms and more.
20 Top Social Media Tools to Try in 2018 https://t.co/6ww59tI4LL #smm #marketing
— Matt Gray (@MyLogoSource) January 25, 2018
And if you’re torn apart between quantity and quality in content marketing, know that both approaches can work depending on your situation. The post below will show the PROs and CONs of publishing fewer but higher quality content and getting out short-form pieces out of the door fast.
Quality vs quantity in content #marketing https://t.co/txZw1HivXL by @WeAreArticulate
— Appernetic.io (@Appernetic) January 25, 2018
#Sales: Get Battle-Tested Lessons On How To Grow Your Bottom-Line
About 50% of small businesses don’t get to celebrate their 5th year anniversary, with cash flow problems being one of the main reasons for failure.
Follow #sales on Twitter and get the lowdown on generate enough sales (and cash) so your business gets to live another day. You may also find food-for-thought content that can change the way you sell for the better.
Case in point:
Have you heard of the Persuasion Triangle?
Aristotle outlined three universal principles that can help one win other people’s hearts and minds, hence the name.
And in the blog post, you get a breakdown of each principle in easy to understand language as well as practical examples on how to use the 4th century BC strategy to turn your audience into customers and loyal fans.
The bottom line takeaway: If you want to change people’s minds, you must first move their hearts. https://t.co/lIsXX5kw3S #sales #storytelling #startups #ThursdayThoughts pic.twitter.com/NpWZsluglo
— Sean M. Lyden (@seanmlyden) January 25, 2018
Perhaps your sales team is losing a lot of time and money pursuing bad sales leads?
If such is the case, you may want to take a closer look at your website. You could be committing one of the three lead generation mistakes discussed below.
The 3 biggest causes of bad sales leads (and how to avoid them) https://t.co/qJ9SQa8n4Y via @smartinsights #marketing #sales #salestips #LeadGeneration #leadnurturing #leads #prospecting #lovesales
— MarketDialog GmbH (@MarketDialog) January 21, 2018
If you’re looking to add more people to the sales team, know that compensation structure will not only determine the type of talent you get. But it will also play a huge role in keeping them in your company and motivating them to give every day their best.
The guide below will walk you through the different types of compensation along with actionable tips for building the ideal structure.
Create the perfect bonus structure for your sales reps. #sales https://t.co/DpMGhlEu9g pic.twitter.com/FReeW7X91z
— AJ Silvers (@ajsilvers) January 25, 2018
#CustomerService: Where Would Your Business Be Without Your Best Clients?
Get this:
Acquiring a new customer is five to 25 times more expensive than retaining one.
Think about it.
Getting new customers on board means launching new marketing campaigns, calling or emailing prospects, and other steps that involve spending hard-earned cash. As for retaining existing clients? You only have to make them happy!
So if you want to slash acquisition costs and raise profits by 25% to 95%, satisfying your current customer-base is your first port of call.
Tune in to #customerservice to catch the latest and inspiring examples of stellar service and support…
Ever so impressed (and thankful) to lovely @parcelforce guy who carried my heavy box up the stairs. Give credit and appreciation where due (and I am appreciative!) Good #CustomerService
— Jeannie Shapiro (@jeanne_jeannie) January 25, 2018
…As well as examples of what not to do if you want to keep your customers.
@birchbox do you ever respond to customer queries? #angry #Customer #appauling #CustomerService
— Kelly Lyons (@KellyLyons8) January 25, 2018
“When a customer complains, he is doing you a special favor; he is giving you another chance to serve him to his satisfaction,” said marketing author Seymour Fine.
The lady in the tweet above sure is angry. But hopefully, all is not lost for the business involved.
An angry customer coming to you like a raging bull is a golden opportunity to show that you care.
Responding is just what the doctor ordered to prevent the situation from getting out of control. Even better, however, the right response might just turn a pissed-off customer to a loyal fan for life like the post below shows.
[Article] How Customer Service Can Turn Angry Customers into Loyal Ones https://t.co/ssIKbZALKU via @HarvardBiz #CustomerService #CustomerSuccess #CustomerExperience #CustomerCentric pic.twitter.com/ll9pzZtPxj
— Fluid Topics (@FluidTopics) January 25, 2018
If you’ve just started providing social media customer service, you will want to look at the following collection of case studies and examples of businesses winning and failing at it. Even big international companies with more than 100 years of history are not beyond customer service fails.
So read up and don’t make the same mistakes!
4 Proven Ways to Kick Start your Social Media Customer Service https://t.co/0eu7GTFKGv #customerservice #onlinebusiness pic.twitter.com/GOrQJHeZ6W
— Online Moderation (@OModeration) January 25, 2018
#EmployeeSatisfaction: Because Your Team Is Your Company’s Biggest Asset
A report published in the TechRepublic found that 40% of employers around the world face talent shortages.
The competition for skilled and hard-working professionals is stiff. You may have an amazing team today, But you could lose team members to other businesses if they’re not happy in their stay.
Jump right onto #employeesatisfaction to get the latest news on trends and research around workplace satisfaction and performance.
For example:
Did you know that happy employees are 12% more productive at work than their not-so-happy peers?
Making employees happy, however, is easier said than done. What people often perceive as biggest drivers of happiness in the workforce is different from reality. Time to set things straight! Read the post below and see five research-backed ways to promote #employeesatisfaction.
Happy people are 12% more productive at work. Find out how to make your employees happier: https://t.co/ZYGot27ZFa #employeesatisfaction #talentmanagement pic.twitter.com/1Bb0dhW5qf
— Brian Westfall (@GDMBrian) January 25, 2018
On the other hand…
Millennials might make up the majority of your workforce, a generation that feels entitled – or, so they say. Don’t worry though. They may seem hard to please but millennials can become your most loyal and hardest working employees.
Here are three ways to do just that.
3 Ways to Make #Millennial Employees Love Your Company w/@LizVGreene #employeesatisfaction #smallbiz #millennialemployees https://t.co/asbUN15MDz pic.twitter.com/v8ljIhWN1j
— SBMarketingTools.com (@SBMarketingTool) January 24, 2018
Or, if you’re looking for inspiration…
Check out how NASA got the highest employee satisfaction scores among federal agencies, while beating the private sector’s average by three points.
Remember, President Donald Trump proposed a $561-million budget cut for the agency. Not to mention the administration may even cut funding to the ISS by 2025. The setbacks, however, didn’t stop NASA from scoring high on leadership, work-life balance, and strategic management.
What NASA Can Teach Agencies About Making Employees Happy https://t.co/EFIySWADEA #employeesatisfaction #employeeengagement #HR pic.twitter.com/Sq1opE7u3X
— darrentracey (@darrentracey) January 24, 2018